Time for true confessions: even before I became a goofy grandma, laughing baby videos have been one of my guilty pleasures. That\u2019s true even when I haven’t spent an entire day editing stuff.<\/a> \u00a0(What did we ever do without YouTube?) When I feel like I’ve been chained to my desk all day, they give my attitude AND my energy a much-needed boost.<\/p>\n So, having rendered myself sleep-deprived, indulged in all the bad food choices, and created the ugly messes that are part and parcel of a very long editing session, I came across this. It may have helped keep me from tearing up a manuscript<\/a> section or three.<\/p>\n [bctt tweet=”This may have helped keep me from tearing up a manuscript section or three.” username=”AndreaPatten”]<\/p>\n