“It was a dark and stormy night.” Oh, no. Wait. That’s for bad fiction. This is a story about bad reality. Medical reality. In a hospital. \u00a0Well, maybe not all that bad. Judge for yourself.<\/p>\n
I had been diagnosed with a fairly significant bulge in my neck — a disc that was creating a lot of pain and causing lots of trouble with my right hand and arm. So, after multiple x-rays, MRI’s and doctors’ visits, surgery was scheduled.<\/p>\n
[bctt tweet=”Despite my conviction that my right hand would soon again be fully functional, I was a bit of a wreck: I’d not been overnight in a hospital since the birth of my son.” username=”AndreaPatten”]<\/p>\n
Despite my conviction that my right hand would soon again be fully functional, I was a bit of a wreck: I’d not been overnight in a hospital since my son was born almost 40 years ago.<\/p>\n
We arrived for surgery at dark thirty and got checked in. \u00a0We had what has come to be known as the “extended family surgical procedure good luck charm” — a Pittsburgh Steelers’<\/a> Terrible Towel. A close friend drove down to keep my husband company during the 3-hour operating room time and be on hand when I was done. \u00a0For reasons you’ll soon learn, I don’t yet have all the details of this apparently very cool robot-assisted event, but when I came to, I was wearing a neck collar and the pain in my arm was gone. Favorite Husband spent the night with me and, by the next afternoon, I was home with two dogs<\/a> who could not have been happier to cover the big bed with major\u00a0nap energy. Life was pretty good. Minimal pain. Good movies. Cuddly dogs, attentive husband, and lots of naps.<\/p>\n [bctt tweet=”I was home with 2 dogs who could not have been happier to cover the big bed with major\u00a0nap energy. ” username=”AndreaPatten”]<\/p>\n And then, two or three days in, I started to get sick. Very sick. Nausea and vomiting. Intense abdominal pain. I’d had a similar episode a while back, but it was a single episode and resolved fairly quickly. This was not the same thing. Bigger. Stronger. Uglier. I had no idea what was going on nor did the Emergency Room people. They re-hydrated me, warmed me up, and sent me home where I did my best to go back to napping and watching movies. This time it didn’t work. I\u00a0continued to get sicker. And apparently, that was good news.<\/p>\n [bctt tweet=”On my next trip to the Emergency Room, the doc was able to see something in the bloodwork that allowed him to tell my fortune.” username=”AndreaPatten”]<\/p>\n On my next trip to the Emergency Room, the doc was able to see something in the bloodwork that allowed him to tell my fortune:<\/a> \u00a0he told of an emergency gallbladder surgery, three more nights in the hospital and a full recovery. At least that’s what my husband and best friend told me. It was hard to hear with my head hanging over the edge.<\/p>\n But his predictions were completely accurate and I’m back home. The dogs are back on the bed and Favorite Husband and I have started streaming Oscar-nominated films. My digestive system is no\u00a0longer trying to kill me and I sleep a lot. But despite feeling like someone who has had two major surgeries in less than two weeks, I feel pretty good. Today I got dressed and went to the office — made it by the crack of 11:00 and we won’t get too picky about what “dressed” means.<\/p>\n